1. Goals: What are the big-picture goals of this project? What specific objectives do you need to achieve? How does this project fit into your overall plan? How will you measure the success of this project?
2. Market: What is the target market for this project? Is research available on the target market? Do you have previous experience with this market, or is this the first time you’re approaching it?
3. Content: Where will the source content come from? Is it complete and ready to go? If not, when will it be ready? Do you need graphic design, messaging, or copywriting assistance? Are there specific channels or technologies that you do or do not want used?
4. Timeframe: What is your timeline? Is there a hard deadline? Is this a rush project? How quickly does your team provide feedback between drafts? Are there any other limiting factors?
5. Contact: Who will be your main point of contact? Will he/she be involved from the start or jump in later? Will there be other people involved? If so, how many and what are their roles?
6. Decision-making process: Who is the primary decision maker on this project? Is it one person or a committee? How will decisions be made on the project, and what are the most important factors? Price? Timing? Style? Something else?
7. Budget: What budget have you allocated for this project? Are you thinking $$ or $$$$?
8. Proposal: What would you like to see in the proposal? Printing and bindery? Graphic design? Direct mail? E-mail blasts? PURLs? Website development work? What else?