Product and sell sheets are the most commonly used promotional literature in the business world. Most are printed in full-color on one or both sides of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and may include three-hole drilling so they can be put into 3-ring binders. Depending on the quantity needed, product sheets and sell sheets can most effectively be produced by color digital printing or by full color process printing. Kwik Kopy Printing Dallas has the custom printing capabilities to achieve the highest quality in the most cost-effective manner, regardless of quantity.
Coordination of your various sales and marketing efforts is an important aspect of ensuring the success of your business. Use your product sheets / sell sheets to integrate with your web-based marketing efforts (such as your company’s website, YouTube videos of products and services, your Facebook page, etc.) by including a Quick Response (QR) Code on your product sheets / sell sheets. When someone scans the QR code with their smartphone, they are immediately taken to the website designated by the QR code, where they can get even more information about your company and its offerings. In this way, initial interest generated by the product sheets / sell sheets can be expanded by linking to additional (web-based) content. You may want to consider a series of product sheets / sell sheets, each targeted to a specific offering and each having its own QR code providing a link to specific additional information.
Whatever format you choose for your product sheets / sell sheets, Kwik Kopy Printing Dallas can help you design and create powerful sell sheets or print directly from your artwork. Plus, if the need arises, we can rush your order through to meet any emergency deadlines for trade shows or direct mailings. With our full-color digital printing capabilities, we can produce your order quickly and with quality that will impress!
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